Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Attendants' fight sends United flight back to N.C. -

Attendants' fight sends United flight back to N.C. -

'via Blog this'

Now the world has truly lost its mind.  Two flight attendants on a crowded a$& plane get into an altercation that turns the flight around.  Everyday, I am trying to convince middle school aged students that fighting doesn't solve anything and when I go on the internet and see headlines like this, I am amazed at the stupidity of adults.

Would someone tap them please.  United should strap both of the flight attendants to the landing gear of the airplane and raise the gear, lower the gear, raise the gear, and lower the gear.  I bet they would get he message then.

Monday, March 12, 2012


If any of you are like me then you know how frustrating cell phones can be.  If it were up to me, I would throw my cell phone in the Passaic River.  They are so annoying and everyone around you seem to think that you want to hear their conversation.  I was coming out of Target the other day, frequent hangout of mine, and this lady was walking behind me and she was just blabbing up a storm.  I wanted to repeat the words of DJ Dave: "Could you please put your phone down".

Check out the video if people on their cell phones annoy you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Now this should not be a surprise to anyone, however it is annoying as hell to me.  I am sure you have seen this at one time or another and you probably have been guilty of this too.  I have a few pet peeves and one that annoys me (there's that word again) more than anything is the inability of human beings to walk 5 feet and put your stinking shopping cart in the cart return and not in the middle of the parking space.  Excuse my language but this annoys the hell  out of me (did I mention it annoys me).  I can't tell you how many times I have pulled into a parking space and had to have the skill of an astronaut to park my car because there was some lazy ass person who was too tired to go on the other side of their car and put the cart away.  
You know, I don't drive a Mercedes or BMW or Bentley but my car is precious to me.  I work hard for my dollars and the last thing I want to do is drive around with dings in my car because someone was too lazy to put their cart away.  The worst is when people park right beside the cart return and still leave it in the middle of the parking space.  I know the day is coming when I will lose my cool and just scream at someone to "Put your damn cart away!!".  

This picture is classic.  The cart on the right is the cart return and as you see, the cart on the left was graciously left by some Lazy smuck.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Medley's Web 2.0 Mix

Medley's Web 2.0 Webmix

This is a collection of web 2.0 resources that I wanted to share.  I continually update this mix so check back often.